Innovative solutions for healthcare expense savings are crucial for individuals and organizations seeking financial stability while ensuring quality care. Technology-driven approaches like telemedicine, digital health platforms, and data analytics reduce expenses. Telemedicine allows remote consultations, cutting travel costs and work time. Preventive care leads to earlier diagnosis and treatment, reducing expensive interventions. Data analytics identifies inefficiencies and targets interventions for better outcomes at lower costs. Adopting these strategies creates a sustainable healthcare system balancing financial prudence and high-quality patient care, ensuring everyone has access to essential services without financial burden.
CCH provides innovative solutions to help employees save significantly on healthcare expenses. Our self funded Section 125 plan uses pre-tax dollars for your healthcosts, maximizing your savings and simplifying your healthcare experience. Based in Ventura, we offer valuable educational resources, compliance information, and enrollment options to ensure you make informed decisions. Explore our program to make the most of your tax savings.
Up to 3 sessions per year for you or your dependents
Address family/parenting
Address substance
Build on personal
Navigate life
Work through grief and loss Alleviate
Work through grief
Empower yourself with our educational resources
Bankruptcy, foreclosure
Home sale/purchase or lease agreement
Separation or divorce
Child custody/child support
Simple will
Traffic, civil or criminal matters
Legal document review
Simple dispute resolutio
Unlimited issues, one consultation per issue.
Managing expenses and debt
Preparing a realistic budget
Dealing with tax-related questions
Planning for retirement
Identity theft solutions
Investing in a college education
Student loan coaching
Home purchase education
Credit report review
Evaluate costs across various health plans for informed choices.